Publications related to the PannEx RHP
ATMOSPHERE NEW Special Issue “Climate Extremes in the Pannonian Basin“
The submission deadline is 4 November 2022.
Climate Extremes in the Pannonian BasinDear Colleagues,
In recent decades, we have found more and more evidence that climate change is making extreme events more likely or more intense. As these events often cause significant damages in human and natural systems, they are considered to be among the potentially most harmful consequences of a changing climate. Recently, we have seen an explosion of interest in extreme event attribution providing local-scale perspectives that people in affected communities can use to develop recovery and resilience plans that match their future risk.
This Special Issue is open to all publications on climate extremes (research or review papers) in the Pannonian Basin, which is the focus area of the Pannonian Basin Experiment (PannEx) Regional Hydroclimate Project of the Global Energy and Water Exchanges Project of the World Meteorological Organisation (GEWEX). This Special Issue covers all topics regarding practices and challenges related to the detection and attribution of changes in climate extremes. Our intention is to understand and predict climate extremes by analysing: historical records or estimated based on the climate model data; synoptic and seasonal conditions generating climate extremes; social, economic, and environmental impacts of climate extremes; perception; and public policies and strategies to be[…]
ATMOSPHERE Special Issue Climate Extremes in the Pannonian Basin: Current Approaches and Challenges ~ 2021
Croitoru, A-E, Man, TC, Vâtcă, SD, Kobulniczky, B, Stoian, V, 2020, Refining the Spatial Scale for Maize Crop Agro-Climatological Suitability Conditions in an Area with Complex Topography towards a Smart and Sustainable Agriculture. Case Study: Central Romania (Cluj County). Sustainability, 12, 2783 [link]
Harpa, G‐V, Croitoru, A‐E, Djurdjevic, V, Horvath, C. Future changes in five extreme precipitation indices in the lowlands of Romania. Int J Climatol. 2019; 39: 5720–5740.
Ceglar A, A-E Croitoru, J Cuxart, V Djurdjevic, I Güttler, B Ivančan-Picek, D Jug, M Lakatos, T Weidinger, 2018: PannEx: the Pannonian Basin Experiment. Climate Services (available online) [link]
PannEx reports
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