3 – 5 June 2019, Novi Sad, Serbia: 5th PannEx Workshop:
Building PannEx Task Teams to address environmental needs in the Pannonian basin
[New] Reports from the workshop (page 13) [click here]
[New] Presentations from the workshop [click here]
Book of Abstracts [click here]
First announcement [click here]
Registration form [now closed]
registration deadline: 15 April 2019
application status: 22 April 2019
Workshop program [click here]
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
List of suggested hotels and means of transportation:
Voyager – Make reservation ASAP. Across the campus, reasonable price, great comfort.
Hotel Putnik (http://www.hotelputnik.rs/) – City centre. Ten minutes to Faculty.
By BUS – from Bus station, bus No. 4 to University. Ticket is app 0.6 EUR in dinars<
By PLAIN – Belgrade airport and shuttle to Novi Sad. There are a lot agencies for that transfer. E.g., ALDO TRAVEL (aldotravel et sbb.rs) just send e mail and make request indicating time of arrival and departure.
Technical information concerning the poster size and presentation format:
Maximum poster dimensions: 80 cm width/115 cm height
Social event:
Social event (workshop dinner) is planned for the evening of [t.b.d.] June 2019 at [t.b.d.]
For all organizational questions contact:
Branislava Lalić (lalic.branislava et gmail.com)
Ivan Güttler (ivan.guettler et gmail.com)